Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Very overdue homework...

Ok, I posted the backstory to this one on Facebook.  In a nutshell I was set some homework, about 40 years ago.  It was to write a poem, based on a newspaper article,  the article was about a millennia old salamander found perfectly preserved in ice in Siberia.  Never completed, in fact, if I'm honest never started, the story nonetheless stuck in my mind and I finally got around to doing my homework.  This is the result...

Creature of fire, entombed in ice
Dreaming through millennia
You have seen the birth of mountains
And their death, seas encroach
And fall back. The swift pulse of seasons
And the rising tide of life. Only you
Have remained unchanged, unchanging.
And seeing you I feel the universe
Swirl about me, vast and unknowing

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