Monday, 21 April 2014

This blog....

Sometime towards the end of last year Elizabeth threw out a challenge - to write a poem every day in 2014.  For some reason, known only to myself, I decided to take up this challenge and I have since written something every day.  Not sure that they can always be described as poems, but still...  I know it is only April but it's probably the longest I have ever kept a resolution.  In fact I am such a great procrastinator I often don't get around to making my New Year resolutions until April.  Well anyway they are (mostly) on the Facebook page, but it's difficult to go back to them there so I thought I would put them all into a blog.  That way I can comment on my thought process, such as it is, and say what inspired me, or what the heck I was thinking whilst writing.  It will take me a while to move the poems over (well, not really move them, they'll stay on Facebook too) so bear with, bear with.

Whether you have just stumbled across this blog or are looking at it in response to a request from me I'd really appreciate your feedback on my poems....feel free to be completely honest/very rude if you don't like them.

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