Monday, 21 April 2014

Reverse Ophelia

Goodness knows where this poem came from.  It is about somebody who has died, but not a real memory....  I wrote it lying in the bath and I was, for some obscure reason thinking about Lizzie Siddal and Ophelia.  Well, I suppose the connection is fairly obvious, but it's not something I usually think about in the bath.  I guess that got me thinking about dying and this is what I ended up with - a sort of reverse Ophelia.  Sorry, that sounds like a load of rubbish!

The water grows cold around me
As I gaze out the window
At the rapidly darkening sky
And I remember you
And the first time we met
How you smiled at me
How you took my hand
And the last time I saw you
How you smiled at me
How you took my hand
Closed your eyes
And said goodbye

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